The Walker-Hamilton Trip 2002

Day: 7 Date: July 21

Starting Location: Vermillion Bay, Ontario
Ending Location: Rossport, Ontario
Stayed at: Rainbow Falls Provincial Park
Start km: 118112
End km: 118698
Total km travelled: 586
What we did and saw:
Got going at a reasonable start from the motel, even though we got in late the night before and had a good, but long day of travelling.
Campground is a beautiful spot on the north shore of Lake Superior. We had our first rainfall. It started raining as we set up the tent, then stopped. We went for a long walk on the red-stoned beach and Olivia and Jane got lots of rocks (Now in our garden at home). Colin just skipped his into the water. When we got back to the campsite, it started pouring, big Ontario raindrops and we all got ito the tent just in time. (The tent worked just fine).
Animals we saw
Black Flies : This was our first real encounter with bugs. A few minutes after arriving, while setting up the tent, we noticed blood on the back of the necks of mostly Olivia, but Colin as well. The black flies had moved in. You can't feel them, when they bite, but then you feel them for days afterwards.